Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weekly Weigh In: Jan 15, 2013

I maintained this week, but gained a few pounds over the holiday 7 to be exact. I have lost 3.2 of those sense the new year. I stopped logging my food :( My husband has requested that I get off the diet roller coaster. I explained to him that when I'm not dieting I gain 2 pounds a month. I never had a problem with my weight as a young adult because I was so active. After I had my little boy I lost some of the love, I had for the great outdoors. I'm am striving to enjoy getting out of the house again. My husband is overly active. he snowboards and snowmobiles almost everyday and is probably is around 15% body fat but his family has a history of heart problems that start in your early 30's. regardless of the fitness level.

We have made a commitment to each other to do better. Less dairy, less alcohol, healthier food choices. I have a few bad eating habits, but mostly consume extra calories by liquid i.e. wine. I started doing Hot Yoga with a friend from a Facebook fitness group I'm in and I love it. My goal is to start eating healthier without being on a diet , drinking less calories, cutting our the really bad junk food and junk food binging when I break out of my diet. This week I gave up my daily diet coke and swapped it for water or tea. I feel really good!

I'm going to keep trying to make good choices until valentines day, if I gain 1 pound back. Ill start tracking again. I have to give it a shot. To make healthy choices everyday without a note book in my face telling me how horrible I'm doing. My BMI is currently in the healthy range and I want to keep it that way! Here's to getting off the diet roller coaster.

Pre-baby weight: 125
Baby delivery weight: 183
Weekly weigh in start weight: 147
Current weight: 134.2
Old Goal weight: 127
New Goal weight: 122.5
Weight left to lose: 11.7 pounds

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