Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekly Weigh In: Week 14

I lost 1.4 pounds this week. I weighted a little less yesterday, maybe it's my daily fluctuation. Any way, I'm still really happy with my loss this week. I'm starting to look the way I want. I wasn't even self conscious to ware my swimming suite yesterday! Hooray to another great week.
Just 16 more days till my weight loss contest weight in. I've seen some of my friends from our contest and they look great too! Looks like I've got to step things up.

Pre-baby weight: 125
Baby delivery weight: 183
Weekly weigh in start weight: 147
Current weight: 137.2
Goal weight: 127
Weight left to lose: 10.2 pounds


  1. this is so great! congrats on your progress. when i come to town (labor day is the plan) we'll do something active or at least not eat at olive garden ;) haha.

    1. Super excited to see you also, and meet your sisters new baby! Is Mike coming?
